Academic ARCH
Back from Our Summer Break!
It’s been a little quiet here on the blog since mid-July, but we are excited
Human-Nature Relationship in an Urban Context
The spark of the controversies surrounding the definition of the term ‘nature’: At first thought,
Community and Urban Sociology Series Episode 1: Introduction
We are so excited to introduce the Community and Urban Sociology Series on our Blog, Academic ARCH.
Hand-Drawn Sketches in Detail: Basic Materials for Sketching – Episode 3
There are many materials available for different sketching techniques, and we can list all of
The Shock of Isolation: Lack of Third Spaces
One of our classics is meeting up and hanging out together at SPACE Studies. It
Exploring Sustainable Building Materials: A Quick Guide
The more environmental issues grow, the more we must focus on sustainability, especially if we
Academic Writing Skills
Common Types of Research Methodology in Architecture
Architecture is an industry that requires knowledge and experience. However, when it comes to research
Why is it important for architects to improve their writing skills?
When it comes to architecture and urban design, the importance of effective communication cannot be
How to Improve Your Writing Skills
Writing is an art that transcends boundaries, a skill that, when honed, can unlock numerous
Welcome to the Academic Writing Skills Section of Academic ARCH!
Welcome to the Academic Writing Skills section of Academic ARCH! We’re thrilled to have you