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Mthatha: Transforming the Fractured Capital of the Transkei Bantustan

SPACE International Journal of Space Studies in Architecture and Urban Design
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Christo Vosloo
Graduate School of Architecture University of Johannesburg
Luvuko Mqaqa
Graduate School of Architecture University of Johannesburg
Received October 1, 2020 – Accepted November 2, 2020 – Published December 2, 2020

The development and planning implemented during various historical periods before and during apartheid have resulted in many former ‘Bantustan’ and South African cities being fractured, incoherent, and thus characterised by an absence of a fair economy and effective spatial and infrastructure development. This situation thwarts economic growth and poverty relief. To highlight the issues and context of “Bantustan” cities, one of them, Mthatha, will be used as a case study. Using literature review methodology, four distinct historical periods will be examined to understand the city’s current situation. The periods are the Pre-colonial period, the Colonial period (1816-1910), the Apartheid and the post-apartheid period (1994 to present). The planning patterns resulted in many problems that thwarted efforts at economic uplift within these cities. It will be shown that a strategy is required that will reverse the planning legacies of colonialism and apartheid by encouraging local aspirations, enabling integration, and stimulating urban opportunity and, thereby, economic enablement.

Apartheid Town Planning, Economic enablement, Urban restructuring
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This paper has been presented at the Conference “AGORA CAUMME 2020 – Mediterranean: Between Expansion and Regeneration” and selected by the Conference Scientific Committee to be published in the SPACE International Journal of Space Studies in Architecture and Urban Design. Peer review under the responsibility of the scientific committee of AGORA CAUMME 2020.


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Disclosure Statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Biographical Notes on Contributors

Christo Vosloo

Luvuko Mqaqa

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