We are pleased to host Gregory Cowan, PhD RIBA as a Keynote Speaker at SPACE International Conference 2022 on Architecture and Design Education next week, 8-9 July, in Dockland’s Academy. The event will take place in Docklands Academy London, along with other SPACE Conferences. See the complete conference list here.
Dr Gregory Cowan is an Architects’ Coach, Researcher, Lecturer, Tutor (Pt 1,2,3) and Doctoral Supervisor at UWTSD and his speech will address recent developments in the architecture design studio:
“This paper addresses recent developments in the architecture design studio. The studio has operated both in real space (“offline”) and in online mediated or virtual forms, especially in the past few years. Architecture, the art and science of making real and virtual spaces, is distinct from the ‘architect’ of Greek mythology. Architecture existed in myriad forms, as the basis for conception and construction of spaces from the Gaza pyramids to indigenous ethno-architecture in ancient cultures, from technical approval to planning consent for both iconic and banal works in cities. This keynote paper will explore some recent developments and themes regarding architecture design in the studio. Gregory Cowan”
Gregory is a freelance academic at the University of Wales Trinity St David and the University of Westminster, and founder of The Architects Coach, with more than thirty years of international experience in practice, undergraduate and postgraduate education, and continuing professional development education for architects. An Australian Londoner, he lives between a Kennington flat and his canal narrowboat and performs with the Brazilian choro music collective Regional do Grafton and with the London School of Samba. Working in architectural practice and office workspace analysis in Germany and UK, he developed and completed professional development courses ranging from Italian stone in Verona, and Swiss bathroom ceramics in Laufen, to intelligent building electronics in Graz, Austria. In 2021 he completed a Diploma in Transformational Life Coaching and an intensive course on Positive Intelligence. His PhD research from 2015 investigated the roles of diverse street occupations in inner-city station areas in London and Frankfurt, titled “Occupying Streets: Street Design in Railway Station Areas in London and Frankfurt”, University of Westminster, London 2015. The research analysed diverse placemaking aspects of streets, balancing the interests of motorised transport with pedestrian conviviality in city streets with impacts on planning, distinctiveness and the urban noir.
We look forward to listening to his speech at the conference!