SPACE Studies establishes a Proofreading Service and launches its new service as of today. It is stated that the main idea is to enlarge the Platform’s services in order to cover the needs of academics as much as possible. The service is specifically for academic documents such as articles, journal papers, literature reviews, research papers, essays, thesis, reports, manuscripts, dissertations, academic books and so forth which are written in English.
Proofreading service for each academic document includes proofreading to correct all language mistakes in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and typography, editing sentence structure for coherence and clarity, checking references, formatting according to the guidelines if provided, checking for Plagiarism.
All SPACE Studies’ editors are native English speakers. The Platform gives a safe, secure and confidential service. It is believed that the options presented within the service to academics in terms of editing time limits will help academics have their works proofread in short amount time which enable them to catch their deadlines easily.
The details of the service provided can be found on