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The Cool Island Effects of Green Spaces in Hot and Humid Cities: The Case Study of Antalya

SPACE International Journal of Space Studies in Architecture and Urban Design
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Elif Guldu
Akdeniz University, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Program of Remote Sensing and GIS, Antalya, Turkey
Cagdas Kuscu Simsek
Akdeniz University, Faculty of Science, Department of Space Sciences and Technology, Antalya, Turkey
Received October 4, 2021 – Accepted November 4, 2021 – Published December 10, 2021

In this study, cool island (CI) potentials as urban parks and green spaces of Antalya where it is in the Mediterranean climate belt were investigated by handling together with their peripheries’ urban morphology. Surface temperature data were obtained by remote sensing methods using Landsat 8 satellite images. In the study where the GIS techniques were used, the relationships between the cool islands and their surrounding urban texture were analyzed by statistical methods. The results indicate that while the density of adult trees in urban green spaces increases the cooling capacities and cooling distances of green spaces, the morphological characteristics of the peripheries of green spaces change their cooling distances. It is thought that these findings are constituted an important basis for the development of the climate-sensitive urban planning and urban design approach.

Cool islands, urban climate, urban planning, urban green areas, remote sensing
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