Aims and Scope
Aims and Scope
SPACE International Journal of Space Studies in Architecture and Urban Design welcomes contributions on architectural and urban space studies and space related issues in any international, and national or cross-national context whose implications are clear for the international reader. The interdisciplinary nature of space studies covers the full range of social science disciplines as well as architecture and urban design.
The journal focuses on a range of academic concerns including, but not limited to:
- space studies in architecture and urban design
- relationships between architectural and urban space, and social and economic policy
- architectural and urban space in everyday life and culture
- linkages between architectural and urban space and gender studies
- architectural and urban space in arts, photography and cinema
- the economics of architectural and urban space
- linkages between architectural and urban space and engineering in terms of construction issues
- sustainability in architectural and urban space studies
- theoretical and conceptual frameworks for architectural and urban space studies
- architectural and urban space in literature
- architectural space studies in housing